Last week we chased a rabbit of sorts, doubt. Doubt is one of those
things we can live without. Once we clear out the doubt we can finish
the race. As we get back to our study passage we will learn about the
provision God makes for us and the blessings He has for us in this life
and the next. Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
No doubt about it, God is true to His Word. That Word doesn’t
change, it is and always will be the same, you can depend on it. There
are not many things in life that are stable and sure like the promise
that God made to us. We search for them only to find that we are let
down. Things are not what they seem to be. So as we take the final turn
coming to the checkered flag, what does God have in store for us?
Psalm 23:5-6
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
To the victor go the spoils. When we receive Christ we are
victorious. We can live life knowing the outcome, we will win, our sins
are forgiven and we will dwell with God forever.
Take a look at these verses; in the midst of difficulty and
strife in our lives God prepares a place for us, a place to feed us and
revive us. Do you remember the first televised Daytona 500? Who won? The
third place car when the white flag flew. He finished the race. The two
in front of him fought for the prize but neither were able to finish.
Like the seas parting, Richard Petty drove from third to first in the
final turn.
Even when it looks bleak and life is crushing in all around
you, God is there to prepare a place for you. He sets each one of us
apart as His children, anoints us with His blessing and provides each of
us with an abundance of blessings. So many blessings that our cup
I am sure Richard Petty saw that victory as a blessing from
God and the 200 total victories in his career as an overflowing
abundance of God in his life.
God’s blessing is not only for today, it is for everyday. His
goodness and mercy will follow us. We need only to trust Him and let Him
guide us. When we surrender to Him and turn our lives over to Him, He
promises to hold a place for us with Him for eternity. God desires us to
live life to the fullest. For that to be possible we feel we need to
know how it will all work out. God said to trust in Him and you will be
victorious, you will win.
Now how many of us are living like that? How many of us are
living like we know that no matter what happens in this life we are
covered? That is why we covered doubt. When we doubt God’s Word, we
doubt God. When we doubt we don’t trust. If we don’t trust God who do we
trust? The only one left to trust is ourselves. If we look honestly at
our lives and the decisions we have made we know we can’t be trusted. We
change with the wind, whatever everyone else is doing we want to do it
also. We don’t have the discipline to make it through.
Take a look back through the entire passage of Psalm 23 and
see how it fits together. Take the final turn in your life and surrender
over to God for guidance and direction. Let Him show you the tremendous
blessings he has for you. Have a great week.
PRACTICE SESSION WITH GOOD RESULTS - At the track we face many
challenges to put the best racecar on the track for the main event. Away
from the track life presents us many challenges, some far greater than
making a Modified turn left. He is known to many of us as Jaws Jr., but
he is Michael to his mom and dad. He is eleven years old and although it
is a short time he has endured challenges that would make most of us
give up.
Michael was diagnosed with Autism when he was three and since
that time it has been a never ending search for the right combination of
medication that will allow him to live as normal a life as possible.
Autism isn’t an exact science, the treatments developed are individual
and need to be refined as time goes on. Michael Sr. shared with me,
“Over the last 7-8 years we have been to many doctors all with some sort
of plan to help my son, so far all have pretty much failed.”
Think of it like dialing in a racecar. You are constantly
adjusting on it until it is right. As we all know right is a moving
target, most of the time we settle for a car we can deal with and hope
for the best. Autism has the same characteristics, you may never get the
treatment right, but the hope is you can get a treatment stable enough
to live with. And like a racecar, what works today may not work
tomorrow. Michael and his family face that reality every day.
Michael has spent some time in the pits recently, about forty
days over the last year. He has spent much of the time adjusting
medications and running practice laps to see what works. Just like
practice at the racetrack, you may think you found something that works
only to find out what you started out with was better than where you
ended up. This is a difficult, frustrating and stressful time on the
family and the patient. Michael’s latest stint seems to have gone well,
time will tell. His dad added, “This is not the end of the road; Michael
will need ongoing therapy and special schooling for months and maybe
years to come.” Michael should be home from his recent stint in the
hospital as you read this and he is expected to go back to school next
An additional challenge of Autism is that autistic children
are often obsessed with things, but their attention span is short. A
couple of Michael’s obsessions fit right in with the racing family.
Michael is obsessed with travel and racecars among other things. Michael
Sr., Michael Jr. and brother Christopher have traveled to many tour
races. They have enjoyed many special times together. They don’t always
get to stay for the whole show as Michael’s attention span can be short,
but they enjoy racing together. That is what makes us family, we enjoy
life together.
Autism can make life difficult for a family. There is never
an off-season. Michael Sr. added, “Michael can make life tough on the
whole family, any given day he can be a total joy or a very moody young
man for no particular reason. But, either way (his mom, Rose and I)
still love him very much.” Michael is also appreciative of Rose’s mom
Josephine who is there to help.
I think there might be something we can do to encourage both
Michael and his family. Winter can be long and cold. Without any racing
going on I am sure Michael misses it just like we do. What do you say we
send Michael some encouragement? Send him a card, maybe a photo of a
racecar, something that he can focus on until he gets to travel to the
racetrack. And while we’re at it let’s not forget to encourage mom and
dad. Please remember to lift the entire Jaworecki Family up in your
prayers. Your encouragement can be sent to: Michael Jaworecki Jr. &
Family, 521 Jefferson Street , Westbury , NY 11590 .
Michael, hang in there and we will see you this summer at the
racetrack. God Bless.
Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and
apparel. See them at the Online Apparel Store at Call us
with your prayer and counseling needs and list all your prayer needs, no
matter what part of our racing family you are in, with the Racing Family
Prayer Request Page also send your prayer request by mail.
Until next time, remember that God loves you, we love you and
Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586,
Tolland, CT 06084. Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
News", the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper" See our on-line
Apparel Store for subscription information. Check our home page for past
articles. We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our Guest
Book. Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your
prayerful financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep
you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the
Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
February 27
DENNIS & ELLEN MURRAY - This Mike Weeden LM fans from NH have their
March 2
BILL & SUZANNE STIVASON - These fans from Kittinang, PA share their
17th anniversary.
March 3
TIM & BRENDA STEELE - The Coopersville, MI ARCA top driver and wife
share their 15th anniversary.
March 4
VIC & SANDY KANGAS - The WC/BGN Crew Chief and wife have their 45th.
February 27
GARY GOLLUB - Mohnton, PA Mod/Sprint driver.
DENNIS SETZER - Newton, NC NNS/CTS driver.
TODD BODINE - Chemung, NY CTS Champion driver.
GEORGE INGOLE - Lakeland, FL All Pro driver.
TY DILLON - A son of Welcome, NC NNS driver/ Crew Chief Mike and
wife Tina is 16, Richard Childress' grandson.
February 28
MARIO ANDRETTI - This Nazareth, PA World Class retired driver really
does think he's Mario Andretti.
JAY HEDGECOCK - High Point, NC WC fabricator and LMSC builder;
Modified driver.
JOE GAERTE - WoO sprint driver.
BUTCH LEITZINGER - State College, PA NASCAR CWES and World Class
RICH GARDNER - Late Model Stock Car driver from Waterford, PA; "Erie
Speedway" 5-time Dirt Late Model champion.
LIZ STRICKLER - Susquehanna Sportsman driver Randy's wife.
JUDY MANIX - The sister of Plainville, CT drivers Ted and Mike
February 29
BRIAN HOAR - His day is really February 29, but we can't have this
Goss Dodge driver miss his day.
March 1
DAVE MARCIS - Skyland, NC Retired NSC driver/RCR research driver.
BILLY PAUCH - Frenchtown, NJ driver of the Williams Grove based
Zemco Sprint.
RANDY HEDGER - Nextel Cup official from Williamson, NY.
TIM STEELE - Coopersville, MI ARCA driver.
JERRY CAMINITO - Jackson, NJ NHRA Funny Car driver.
GLENN FRYE, JR - Grandson of Warren "Jeep" Frye and 1/4 Midget
driver of Blackbird, Delaware.
DONNA KOCHER - Bethlehem, PA AMRA Microstock member.
KATHY TEMCHAK - Wife of Canterbury, NH NHIS victory Lane Staff
Member John.
March 2
TAMMY SUE WOODS - The wife of New Jersey born Steve "Woody" Woods on
the R&D staff at Evernham NNC racing.
LAURIE UDES - Wife of Morris Plains, NJ asphalt Modified driver
March 3
FRED RAHMER - Pennsy based international Sprint car driver.
DANNY JOHNSON - Phelps,NY D.I.R.T. Modified champion.
CHARLIE SAVAGE - From Portland, CT now driving a Modified at
Charlotte County Speedway in Punta Gorda, FL.
MELANIE DEWARE - From Easton, MA, the bubbly wife of Mosler
Automotive/Jilbrit Wheels GT Team driver Scott.
MARY LOUISE HODGE - Racing photographer from Manchester, CT;
photographer Howie's wife.
MARGARET DAVIS - Manassas, VA writer.
GREG RHEN - Sinking Spring, PA dirt catcher and fan of Kenny
JAY MILLER - Son of retired modified driver Ray and Sk Mod driver
at SMS and Waterford.
March 4
RICK MAST - Virginia NNC retired driver.
GARY MYERS - NC Modified driver.
BILL GREENE - Ellington, CT crewman of the Bobby Georgiades CT
Modified team.
NANCY LaBONNE - East Hartford, CT wife of Stafford LM crewman Rich
PO BOX 586, Tolland, CT, 06084
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