We have come to the conclusion of our winter Bible study and have
covered many topics. I wonder if they have given you a cause to
reevaluate some of your thoughts and actions? I know they have mine.
Let’s take a quick trip to victory lane for a race recap from the
winner. Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
If you have been riding along with us you know that for
the past few weeks we have been reading and studying Psalm 23. Recorded
by David to help us see what he learned as he went through life. He
helps us understand what God has for us.
Psalm 23
A psalm of David.
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
We covered three main topics that should help us put the
right foundation in place in our lives to face the days and weeks ahead.
Think about these as we review; one, who is responsible, two, who is
leading, and three, what is it worth.
These three concepts we deal with everyday in racing. Who is
paying the bills? They are the ones ultimately responsible for making
things happen. You cannot race without money. That person makes all the
difference in a racing program, without someone who has the resources
and truly cares there is no program. You can have the resources but
without the heart it doesn’t have the same meaning.
God, in a similar way wants us to know He cares for us and he
loves us, He created us and plans an abundant life for us. He has the
resources to provide for our every need and His heart is in it, He loved
us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to sacrifice His life for
I was reminded this week by Mike Joy of the illustration of
the chicken and the pig. You see to provide breakfast for us the chicken
participated, provided the eggs, but the pig was committed, he gave his
life for the bacon. Which one would you rather team up with, someone who
wants to participate or someone who is willing to give their life to
provide for you? I think I want the later. God has the resources and
cares for each one of us. He doesn’t want to participate in our life, He
is committed to providing for us. He is worthy to be responsible for our
We then moved on to leadership and asked ourselves the
question, who is leading the parade? There are only two choices here,
you or God, one is right and one is wrong, you probably can guess at
this one. Funny thing is though, we think we know better and only when
we have dug ourselves in over our head do we look to God for help. I am
thankful that we serve a caring and loving God and when I cry for help,
He reaches down and pulls me out of the hole I am in. Remember the right
road is not always the easy way.
I asked for Strength................And God gave me Difficulties to make
me strong.
I asked for Wisdom................And God gave me Problems to solve.
I asked for Prosperity.............And God gave me brain and brawn to
I asked for Courage................And God gave me Danger to overcome.
I asked for Love.......................And God gave me Troubled people
to help.
I asked for Favors...................And God gave me Opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted.....I received everything I needed !
We then moved on to evaluate the value of a relationship with
God, what is it worth? Make an offer is a common phrase we have in
racing, the value of something is only worth what someone is willing to
pay. Many things we sell for less than we paid because we don’t need
them any longer. Once they were the most valued thing we had but now
they don’t hold the same meaning.
Stop here and think about the relationships you have had in
your life. Think about the stages of those and how some of them are not
what they used to be, frankly because we do not value them any longer.
For whatever reason we have determined they are not worth the effort to
God desires a relationship with each one of us. Our value to
him does not change no matter what we do. He values us so much that He
gave His life for us. He has the resources, He cares for us, He knows
what we need, He will not leave us or forsake us, He is worthy.
It is all summed up in this one verse;
Psalm 23:1, The Lord is my Shepard, I have everything
I need, NLT.
Do you?
Start the foundation that will withstand the storms that life
will throw at us. Stand firm in your reliance on God to provide, to lead
and to care for you. God Bless.
SPEEDWAY EXPO 2008 - Spent the weekend in West
Springfield with James of Design 500 and Bobby of Race Depot, oh and a
few thousand race enthusiasts. The itch is at fever pitch. Snow tried to
dampen hopes of getting out to the track soon, but many saw through the
thinly veiled attempt to discourage racers. The banner on the website
indicated the show will go on and the attendance backed it up. Great job
by Dale , Cal and the entire staff.
NEW WMT CONTENDER - We had a visitor to the
Race Depot booth that brought some exclusive news for us. Glenn Reen,
SKlite contender at Stafford Motor Speedway is taking his red, white and
blue show on the road. Glenn shared with me that the plans are in place
to run the Whelen Modified Tour in 2008. Glenn was placing his order for
a new Design 500 driver’s suit and picking up the odds and ends he
needed to complete the look. When I asked him what the suit was for he
let the cat out of the bag so to speak. He has purchased two tour
engines, and is putting the pieces in place to get out there and
compete. He did admit that they needed some crew help and a crew chief,
so if you have the desire to help out this new team give them a call.
TC, never one to be out of the spotlight too long was the first
contestant roasted at Speedway Expo 2008. The Modified community turned
out in record numbers to hear some of the stories they had experienced
first hand. Even some young, up and coming drivers took note. Joey
Lagano was leaving his autograph session and when he heard what was
scheduled next he made a 180 and sat in the bleachers to take it all in.
I didn’t get a chance to ask Joey if he came away with any advice that
would further his career but I am sure he has some questions for Mike
McLaughlin when he gets back to the shop.
display for the first time was the last car of Richie Evans. Art Barry
meticulously restored every detail. It looked perfect, brought back the
days when I used to see Richie race at Stafford . I can see it now
coming out of turn two and flying down the backstretch. I spoke with Art
about it and he said he enjoyed every minute of it. He also shared that
he was certain Richie was looking over his shoulder and he could hear
him say, don’t do it that way.
Well all that’s left is for the snow to melt and the racing
to begin. Many of the Northern guys are talking about running down at
Caraway in the first WSMT race. It’s time to go racing.
Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and
apparel. See them at the Online Apparel Store at
www.RWJM.org. Call us
with your prayer and counseling needs and list all your prayer needs, no
matter what part of our racing family you are in, with the Racing Family
Prayer Request Page
www.rwjm.org/page/prayers.php also send your prayer request by mail.
Until next time, remember that God loves you, we love you and
Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586,
Tolland, CT 06084. Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
News", the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper" See our on-line
Apparel Store for subscription information. Check our home page
www.rwjm.org for past
articles. We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our Guest
Book. Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your
prayerful financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the
Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn
his face toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
March 6
WARREN & ROSE FRYE - "Jeep" is a well-known team owner of the Bunky
Higbee No. 26. He and wife Rose share their 58th anniversay down in
ROY & DONNA HANKS - This Somers, CT LM driver and wife share
their 31th anniversary.
March 8
JAMES & KATIE STANDLEY - This dedicated Christian couple are the
proprietors of Design 500 and Lady Eagle Safetywear in Seattle, WA,
racing's leading uniform and team wear maker. Visit them at
www.design500.com as they celebrate their 16th.
BARRY & KIM BABB - This Maine LM driver and wife have their 20th.
March 11
JOSEPH AND ALICE FERGUSON - The proprietor of Ferguson Painting and
Decorating and wife; fans from Howard, PA celebrate their 32nd
March 1
ALEXIS SZEGEDY - Wife of former WMT champion Todd, AKA George.
BOBBY SEYMOUR - Well known midget driver and president of Seymour
Enterprises Performance Products Inc.
QUINN CHRISTOPHER - Wife of well known multi-talented driver TC.
March 5
GARY DIONNE - Former Dave Dion NASCAR CWES crewman, now Acton, CA
movie stunt car driver and RWJM Ass't West Coast Coordinator.
PAUL CLAPROOD - 2000 Championship NASCAR WMT Co-Crew Chief now in
NC with the Ganassi/Sabco NNC team in final assembly.
RON HEDGER - NY based NSS writer.
PHIL BARIL, JR. - Son of NH LM driver, Phil, Sr.
LUKE WILLIAM BOEHLER - This future team owner is the son of BRE
Racing FMS Team owner Mike and Sarah and turns 4.
March 6
PAT WARD - NY D.I.R.T. Fonda Speedway Modified driver.
JACK ELY,JR. - NJ asphalt Mod driver.
RONNIE THOMAS - Christiansburg, VA LMSC driver.
BETTY FEARN - Spending the winter in Florida with husband Dick,
the mom of ProStock driver Tom from Feeding Hills, MA.
JASLYN WILLIAMS - Wife of Carson City, NV Midget driver J.R.
LINDA TAGG - Wife of Webster, MA retired Thompson Speedway Mod
driver Tom.
JACOB CHRISTOPHER MANIX - Judy's son and nephew of Plainville, CT
twin drivers Ted and Mike Christopher is 11.
March 7
JEFF WITHEY - From Clifton Park, NY, Jeff writes about Fonda, NY
Speedway for "Area Auto Racing News."
RYAN DALE HUNSINGER - Son of dirt late model and IMCA modified
driver Ricky Hunsinger and wife Nakeisha. He is also the little brother
of AJ Hunsinger mini stock driver, based in Northeastern PA, will be
turning 5.
March 8
DONALD J. WORTH - NJ loyal fan of retired Wall Township Speedway
Modified great, Gil Hearn and NNC's Jeff Gordon.
March 9
CRAIG KEEL - WoO Sprint driver.
WARREN FRYE - "Jeep" is the Delaware based owner of the Bunky
Higbee No. 26, rememberd for multiple feature wins.
March 10
MIKE WALLACE - The driving middle brother of the famous racing
Wallace's with Kenny and Rusty.
DEAN CHRYSTAL - Milford, ME NASCAR CWES driver/ Graphics specialist.
ALFRED HILL - NC Modified driver.
MATT EMHOFF - York, Maine. He is a member of Ken and Art Barry's
crew on the 21 Spearpoint Racing team.
RAQUEL RIOLO - Daughter of Stafford LM driver Joe and wife Brenda is
March 11
JOE GOSEK - NY based ISMA SuperModified driver.
HAL GOODSON - Darlington, SC All Pro driver.
BRIAN CRUNDEN - Connecticut ProStock driver.
DAVE BURNHAM - CT based LM driver.
VALARIE LeSIEUR - Daughter of former Speedway Scene Publisher, Val.
DAN BURY - Upstate NY photographer.
JOHN LANE - A son of NJ photographer Ace.
CAROL PARES - Wife of "Area Auto Racing News" NASCAR Mod Series
photographer Mike of Wayne, NJ.
PO BOX 586, Tolland, CT, 06084
TheChromeHorn RWJM Archives
Racing With Jesus Ministries Website