Did you ever say or do something that you later regretted? Many times in
life we act first and think later. Let’s take a look at how we can think
before we act. Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus
Christ! This is Rev. Dan giving Don a break this week.
There was a fantastic baseball player - in fact one of the
best second basemen of his era. I don't want to mention his name, but
many of you might be able figure out who this is. We remember him not
because of his playing abilities, but for something he did in the last
weekend of the 1996 season. He was upset with a decision by the home
plate umpire and he argued the call and ended up spitting in his face.
Immediately, he we criticized by the media and fans for what he did. He
later apologized to the umpire, and in fact they became friends, but the
damage was done. In one uncontrolled moment, his good name was ruined.
In the book of Numbers chapter 12 we read about Miriam,
Moses' sister. In a moment of stupidness, she criticized God and his
choice of Moses to be the leader of the Israelites.
Numbers 12:1 says "While they were at Hazeroth, Miriam
and Aaron criticized Moses because he had married a Cushite woman".
God got a little mad at her. He told her to get to church, he
wanted to talk to her and Aaron, God came down in the form of a cloud
and gave her a piece of his mind. Then as he is leaving, he struck her
with leprosy. In case you don't know, leprosy is a disease that eats
away at your skin and limbs. Eventually your fingers, toes, arms and
legs start to fall of, Not something that you want to have. Moses didn't
like to see his sister like this, so he asked God if he could heal her.
Eventually, God did, but not with a large amount of humiliation to
Miriam. She got a second chance, but she had to pay the price. Had she
taken time to consider the impact of her criticism of God, she could
have spared herself a lot of pain and agony. Had this baseball player
taken a moment or two before he spit in the umpires face, he probably
would have thought about the consequences of his actions, and never did
what he did.
How about us? Do we think before we do some of the things we
do? When we are out on the track and something happens that does not go
our way, what is our reaction? Does our temper flare and we say
something that we shouldn't. Do we take our car and use it as a weapon
against one of our competitors? Many times we take matters into our own
hands. Many times we run to the pit box and grab the biggest tool we can
find and chase after an enemy crewman. What happens after that? One of
the officials notices and we get suspended, fined etc., then we get
publically humiliated. What do we do when a race official makes a call
against us. God is looking at our reaction.
Proverbs 29:11 says "A fool gives full vent to his
anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control".
May I suggest before we say or do anything, how about a short
10 second prayer - something like this. Dear Lord I pray that you would
help me through this time of trouble. Help what I say and my actions be
pleasing and acceptable to you. Help my competitor to be gracious with
his reaction as well. If the call goes against me, help me to accept
what you have for me. Keep my temper in control - In Jesus name I pray,
Try saying this prayer whenever something goes wrong or not
the way you had planned, We have a responsibility under God to act
Christ like and to do the right thing to avoid actions that we will
later regret. Every moment let's consecrate ourselves to a life of honor
and respect before our living, loving God.
It has been a rough week for the NEMA family. Dan and I
headed to Waterford this weekend to help them get through a difficult
race. It took a few tries and the race ran a little longer than the last
time they visited Waterford . In the end Randy Cabral won and dedicated
it to his best friend, Shane Hammond. The two were inseparable and in
victory lane Randy talked with Shane’s mom on the phone. It was a great
victory for Randy who was followed by Joey Payne, Greg Stoehr, Adam
Cantor, and, Erica Santos.
Racing with Jesus Ministries was well received and we hope to
be with them again soon. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire
NEMA family.
Dennis Gada brought home the victory in the SK-150 lap
feature. Doug Coby sat on the pole and finished third behind Frank
Rocco. Jimmy Blewett and 207 winner Jeff Pearl rounded out the top five.
We always enjoy visiting Waterford and miss the fact that the
tours don’t stop there anymore. Some of the best racing we’ve seen has
taken place on this 1/3 mile bull ring.
This week we make a quick trip to Greenville-Pickens for the
opener of the Camping World Series East schedule. We will have our
favorite side-kick riding shotgun and making sure we don’t fall asleep
at the wheel, Ken Spring , with us. How many of you remember 8-track
tapes? I know I am going back a few years. Some of you younger folks
probably have never seen one. Do you remember what made them great? They
played continuously. When they finished they started over. Sometimes it
took three times hearing a song over before you remembered to put a
different one in. Kenny has the same quality, when he finished his story
he just starts over again. It works to keep us up, but I do wish we
could change the tae once in a while.
The race season is getting into full swing and before long
the weekly tracks will be racing. Many of the local divisions are loaded
with talented drivers. Take the opportunity to see a race live. Support
your local track. Have a great week.
Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and
apparel. See them at the Online Apparel Store at
www.RWJM.org. Call
us with your prayer and counseling needs and list all your prayer needs,
no matter what part of our racing family you are in, with the Racing
Family Prayer Request Page
www.rwjm.org/page/prayers.php also send your prayer request by
mail. Until next time, remember that God loves you, we love you and
Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586,
Tolland, CT 06084. Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
News", the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper" See our on-line
Apparel Store for subscription information. Check our home page
www.rwjm.org for
past articles. We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our
Guest Book. Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your
prayerful financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord
make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his
face toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
April 19
JIM & DORIS TROMBLY - The Pit Steward and Credentials manager wife
at the Hudson (NH) Speedway have their 38th anniversary.
April 21
JAMES & IONEY WARNER - This Martinsville Speedway infield staffer
and wife, both close friends of Rev. pat, celebrate their 10th
April 22
ROGER & MELISSA HORVATH - This NY ELS Sprint driver and wife have
their 13th anniversary.
J.J. & KELLY MICHAELS - This Small Block Modified driver at Fulton
and Utica-Rome Speedways in New York and his wonderful wife Kelly share
their 9th anniversary.
April 16
JERRY HIGBIE - Orange County Fairgrounds Speedway Modified driver.
ROCKY DeMATO - Brookfield, CT Mod crewman.
April 17
JOHN FLACH - Lebanon Valley based Mod driver.
MIKE CHASE - Concord, NC NASCAR West 1994 champion/ NASCAR Truck and
LMSC driver.
RICH DeLONG - North Hills, Ca NASCAR West driver.
JOEY KOURAFAS - Retired Mass. NASCAR CWES driver.
TONY GLOVER - Sprint Cup Crew Chief.
DANIELLE HEDGER - NY based NASCAR BES Brown Racing Crew Chief Ray's
HOWARD & CAROL LARSON - This Stafford Springs, CT NASCAR WMT couple
share the same birthday.
April 18
JONNY DENNISON - This LI tow truck operator who hangs out at
Riverhead and has been know to frequent the WMT stops in Connecticut has
his special day. Rev. Pat, we’re still looking out for him.
GEOFF BODINE - The oldest of the racing Bodine brothers of Chemung,
JIM HAWKEY - Wall Township Speedway Modified driver.
ROBERT TYLER LABONTE - Son of NSC driver Bobby and wife Donna is 13.
CHELSEA MARQUIS - A daughter of Enfield, CT NASCAR CWES/WMT driver
Jerry and wife Karen is 11.
April 19
JACK ROUSH - NSC/NNS/Trans-Am multi-team owner.
ROBERT YATES - Noted engine builder, NSC team owner.
BOB AILES - St. Johnsbury, VT LM driver.
April 20
ED SPENCER III - Berwick, PA NASCAR Cup/NNS driver Jim's nephew.
RON BARFIELD, JR. - Florence, SC NASCAR CTS/ All Pro Series driver.
DON DesROCHER - Retired Riverside Park Speedway driver.
RICH PAWLICH - Rocky Hill, CT Modified fan.
FRANCIS STODDARD - NNC Crew Chief for Boris Said.
BILL BALSER - Norton, MA veteran photographer.
KELLI BIRKBECK - Pawcatuck, CT, a huge fan of Kasey Kahn and Joey
April 21
JIM BRODRICK - A close personal friend of Rev. Pat's from
Brookfield, CT on semi-retirement from WMT and Sk mods and concentrating
on son Bobba's carreer.
RANDY GLENSKI - NY D.I.R.T. Mod driver.
STEVE BARRICK - Flemington, NJ President of Program Dynamics which
produces weekly programs for track all over the East Coast.
STEPHANIE SHAW - Wife of Center Conway, NH CWES driver Dale.
April 22
BOB HOWARD - Colorado Springs, CO NASCAR West driver.
PO BOX 586, Tolland, CT, 06084
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