John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends.
Our country is built on the foundation of freedom and the
willingness to sacrifice for the common good. God established at the
foundation of creation that Christ would give His life for our freedom.
This weekend we remember those who selflessly gave their lives for our
freedom. Take a moment and reflect on how we are living our lives; are
we willing to give it all for the benefit of someone else? Greetings in
the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
One of the basic concepts of life is give and take. Life is much
more rewarding and fulfilling when we learn the balance of giving and
taking. When our life seems out of sorts, it can be traced to this being
out of balance. We are either taking too much or giving too much. You
can decide which one you are prone to do.
Think about it in racing terms, when we have a race where there is
some give and take the racing is better. When someone is out there and
all they are doing is taking, the racing gets heated and sloppy. The
other drivers are frustrated and the results are not the best.
Conversely, when all someone does is pull over and let everyone pass the
racing isn’t very exciting either. When there is a balance there is
better racing.
The concept of giving one’s life for the benefit of others is not
new. This is the greatest gift someone can give. The problem arises when
we take it for granted. When we do not remember and say thank you we
become the takers. We need to be motivated to give because of the
opportunity we have been given.
Think about times in your life when you have been given something,
something of great value. If your first feeling is that you don’t
deserve it, that is good. Then if you are motivated to give back that is
great. It is when we have the attitude that we deserved it that we
falter. Compassion has its roots in our willingness to give when we have
been provided for.
Our country is based on the right response to the gift of freedom
we have been given by those who gave their lives for us. If we respond
with an attitude that we deserve this we are wrong. The right response
is to express a deep appreciation to those who have given so much. This
appreciation should motivate us to give as we have been given to.
God gave us the opportunity to overcome our shortcomings. He loved
us and didn’t want us to live our lives in vain, separated from His
guidance and wisdom. He provided a way for us to receive forgiveness.
Out of love for us, He provided Jesus.
John 3:16-18, "For God so loved the world that he gave his
one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the
world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not
condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because
he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
As you read these verses you can see how the proper response is one
of believing and accepting this gift. Without a proper response to the
gift we have been given we condemn ourselves to living life and eternity
separated from God.
I would encourage you to develop the right spirit in your heart.
Recognize the gift of freedom we have been given by those who have given
their lives for us. Go out this week and drive through a cemetery, look
at the American Flags that adorn the graves of the veterans who have
paid the ultimate price. Take a moment to say thank you and pray for the
family that lost this person. Let them know that you appreciate their
Likewise, remember the gift of forgiveness that has been provided
to us by God, and say thank you to Him. Let Him know how much you
appreciate His sacrifice for our freedom from the consequences of sin.
After we have said our thanks, commit to live a life that
demonstrates that appreciation. Live like you have been given a
tremendous gift, the gift of freedom to live.
1Peter 3:8-12, Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one
another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing,
because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For,
"Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep his tongue from evil
and his lips from deceitful speech.
He must turn from evil and do good;
he must seek peace and pursue it.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."
CAN WE HELP - I received a letter this week and I needed to
share it with you. As a racing family we all feel it when one of our own
is hurting.
I am writing to you today on the behalf of 13-year old Harli White
and her family. Harli is a beautiful little girl, active in her church
in Lyndsay, Oklahoma, a cheerleader and a Mini Sprint car driver.
On April 5, 2008, Harli was driving at I-44 Speedway in Lawton , OK
and had a horrific and fiery crash. She was trapped in her Sprint car
and badly burned over 50% of her body. She is a lucky girl today because
of two other drivers that ran from the pits to pull her from her fiery
car. Harli has been in and out of Shriners Hospital in Galveston, TX in
the Burn Unit. She has had many surgeries and is doing very well, her
spirit is very upbeat and determined.
A friend set up a website for everyone to be able to keep up with
her recovery at:
The family is in need our encouragement and support. I am asking
you to not only pray for them but to make the effort and reach out to
them in some way as to let them know they are not alone and we, as a
racing family, are here to help. One thing the family requests first and
foremost is specific prayers for Harli's grafts to take and for her to
avoid infection. This is the first step to healing. Stop by Harli’s
website, drop her and her family a note of encouragement and let them
know they have your support.
I SEE A TREND - I think the most popular ride next year will
be the one at Iowa for the Camping World Series. This is the second race
and for the second time the winner of the Sprint All-Star Challenge is
scheduled to compete. Last year Kevin Harvick turned the trick, winning
in Charlotte and then heading to Iowa . This year Kasey Kane, voted in
by the fans, won the race and is scheduled to compete in Iowa . Next
year there may be a line of Cup drivers wanting to run in Iowa .
Chuck McNeil, our resident camping expert called in with a report
on the race. His only problem is finding a WIFI spot to send it. We’ll
have to wait until next week to hear some of his finer points on camping
in Iowa .
NEW HAMPSHIRE MOTOR SPEEDWAY - Shawn Courchesne wondered
aloud recently if the Canadians can still come if the track is not
International. Many things are changing in the land where things usually
stay the same. A new sign is going up, infrastructure is being
remodeled, new life is being breathed into an old friend. One option
being floated is an open wheel weekend with the IRL joining the WMT and
maybe the Silver Crown cars at NHMS. That should be an interesting time.
I am sure, however it turns out, the racing that people are willing to
support will be on display in New England
WMT COMES BACK TO STAFFORD - Looks like Woody Pitkat will
make his return to the WMT at Stafford this week in the backup car from
Don King Racing. Woody is quite familiar with the car as he works in
Don’s race shop. I wonder if there will be a message on his bumper
directing people to the car James Civali is driving?
Mike Stefanik will be honored before the race as NASCAR continues to
remember 60 years of Modified Racing. Mike is a seven-time Modified
champion and as he said, some day it will sink in how much he has
accomplished. There is more racing left in him though, on his off-weeks
he raced up at All-Star and came home with a win.
A PRAYER ANGEL GRADUATES - I received a call from George Seats last week,
he filled me in on his granddaughter Jennifer. If you remember about
eight years ago she was in a very bad accident and ended up in a coma.
Well through the prayers of many she recovered fully and this past
weekend graduated from IUPUI. George wanted to send along his thanks to
everyone who reached out to Jennifer and her family. Congratulations
We are headed for Stafford Motor Speedway this week for the Whelen
Modified Tour; let us hope for a break in the weather pattern that has
seen rain on Friday for the past three weeks. After the race we will
head out for a little R&R. Hope to see you there.
Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and apparel. See them
at the Online Apparel Store at Call us with your prayer
and counseling needs and list all your prayer needs, no matter what part
of our racing family you are in, with the Racing Family Prayer Request
Page also send your prayer request by
mail. Until next time, remember that God loves you, we love you and
Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries , PO Box 586 , Tolland ,
CT 06084 . Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing News",
the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper" See our on-line Apparel
Store for subscription information. Check our home page for
past articles. We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our
Guest Book. Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your
prayerful financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face
shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
May 21
TODD & LINDA HENSHAW - This Thompson MiniStock driver turned crewchief
and wife share their 19th anniversary.
REV. DAN & DEBBIE PETFIELD - The RWJM Vice President/BES Pastor and wife
share their 26th.
May 23
STEVE AND PATTY SMUDGE - The Easton, MA retired Mini Modified team owner
and wife have their 37th anniversary.
May 26
LLOYD & LINDA AGOR - From Brewster , NY , this Stafford WAARS Modified
2005 champion and wife have their 15th anniversary.
May 27
WALTER & TRUDY CHARETTE - The Linwood,MA proprietor of Son Carpentry/
Mike Stefanik and Dale Jarrett fan and wife/ Reggie Ruggiero/Ernie Irvan
fan have their 12th anniversary.
RUSH & MARTA LIMBAUGH - This New York City based Indy car fan and wife
share their 13th anniversary.
May 21
RODNEY FRANKLIN - Cross Junction, VA dirt LM driver.
DANNY ONGAIS - Hawaii born, now Santa Ana , CA IRL driver.
DAN MASON - Holland and Spencer Speedways NASCAR LM driver.
DAVE NESEMANN - Crewman on George Andretta Wall Township Speedway
ProStock team.
May 22
ERNEST WINSLOW - Scotland Neck, NC LMSC driver.
RAY DANIELS - Colorado Springs , CO NASCAR LM driver.
STEVE PORTENGA - Ukiah, CA NASCAR West driver.
CLAYTON MURPHY - Plymouth, MA Regional Manager for Ferrero Candies,
including Tic-Tac and a good friend to all in the camping World East
Series and Modified Tour.
BILL POTTEIGER III - This Christian fan and Vintage Car enthusiast from
Enola , PA has his birthday.
May 23
WALLY DALLENBACH, JR - NNS driver and TV commentator.
CHARLES ELMS III - Bear Ridge, VT Speedway owner and dirt Modified
STEVE CHOWANSKY - Stafford Speedway WAAS SK Modified team owner.
BOB BARKER - "Mad Dog," owner of the Legends 8NY driven by Paul Rochelle
DALE NICKEL - This Thompson Speedway photographer is Joan's
brother-in-law and photographer Scott's brother.
LISA JO WORTH - South Tom's River, NJ Nextel Cup fan and wife of Don.
May 24
RICKY CRAVEN - The Newburgh , ME NASCAR driver.
TERRY FISHER - Sandy, OR NASCAR West driver.
JOHN SPORS - Boston, NY NASCAR CWES/ Holland Speedway driver.
May 25
MIKE MAIETTA - Beech Ridge Speedway LM driver, and occasional on the
TIM DEROIN - Massachusetts based Modified Series driver and TV film-maker.
CINDY BURDICK - Danielson, CT wife of Stafford announcing staff member
May 26
RONALD COOPER - Statham, VA NNS team owner.
GEORGE BRUNNHOELZL - Lindenhurst, NY chassis builder.
LISA SANSEVERINO - A daughter of Hillsborough , NC photographer Ed and
wife Linda.
May 27
GREG GASTELU - Jackson, NJ Wall Township Speedway driver of the famous
No. 69 NAPA ProStock.
JEREMY MAYFIELD - Owensboro , KY NSC driver.
RON MOON - Cumberland , ME LM driver.
MARK GARMAN - "The Shark" is a Sprint writer from Laureldale , PA and a
member of the Grandview Speedway staff.
DR. DICK BERGGREN - Publisher and Editor of "Speedway Illustrated"
magazine and TV Race Commentator.
PO BOX 586, Tolland, CT, 06084
TheChromeHorn RWJM Archives
Racing With Jesus Ministries Website