This weekend we celebrate the declaration of our independence. The
Freedom we enjoy comes with a cost and a responsibility. Have we taken
the time and remembered those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our
freedom? Have we stopped and thought about what our responsibility is in
maintaining the freedom we enjoy? Greetings in the name of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ.
'Freedom Isn’t Free' is the title of this poem written by Cadet
Major Kelly Strong USAF, JROTC to recall the memory of those who paid
the ultimate sacrifice in the giving of their lives. Their willingness
to give secures to this day our freedom. Freedom to do what we enjoy;
I watched the flag pass by one day
It fluttered in the breeze
A young soldier saluted it, and then
He stood at ease
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud
With hair cut square and eyes alert
He'd stand out in any crowd
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many Pilots' planes shot down?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No - Freedom isn't free
I heard the sound of taps one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill
I wondered just how many times
That Taps had meant "Amen"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives
I thought about a graveyard at the
Bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No - Freedom isn't free!
I was thinking the other day what would this country look like if
we weren’t free? Would there even be racing; as we know it? On any given
weekend I can choose where I go to watch a race. You can choose where to
race. If you don’t like going to a certain track you can choose another.
We have the freedom of choice. We have the independence to do as we
choose. That is not something to take lightly.
Stop and think of all the choices we can make in our life and then
think of some of the other nations in the world who don’t have the same
option. The difference is freedom. The founders of our country decided
to organize on the foundation of God and freedom of choice. We have
fought for over 200 years to maintain that, not only for us but also for
other nations and peoples of the world.
God also gives us the freedom to choose. He makes available for us
a life of abundance and freedom. We can choose if we are going to accept
that life. Jesus said…
John 10:10, The thief comes only to steal and kill and
destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Paul adds in Galatians…
Galatians 5:1, It is for freedom that Christ has set us
free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a
yoke of slavery.
Jesus came and gave His life as a sacrifice so that we could know
the abundant and free life that God has offered us. Not unlike those who
have fought for our country’s freedom so that we can enjoy an abundant
and free life. For us to experience freedom it cost someone something.
Think of a race team. Some are funded well and some are run on a
shoestring. It doesn’t matter; to be able to race someone pays.
Someone’s hard work earns the money we receive to pay the cost of
preparing your car and team to race. We experience the freedom to race
because someone else paid the price. The situation is the same whether
it is our hard work or someone else’s hard work, to race someone pays.
Racing isn’t free either.
Our responsibility is to maintain the freedom we have been given.
We need to prevent it from being eroded and taken away. Whatever it
takes, we must be ready to step up and pay the price.
For us to have freedom as a country many men and women paid with
their very own lives. They made the ultimate sacrifice for the good of
others. They gave their lives. Our responsibility is to be ready to do
the same. Jesus did the same, He gave His life so that we might have
John 3:16-17, "For God so loved the world that he gave his
one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the
world, but to save the world through him.”
Those lives given for us secured our freedom. Jesus Christ gave His
life to save us from death and destruction. Let me ask a question, do
you enjoy your freedom as an American? If you do take the time to say
thank you to those who have made it possible.
Let me ask another, do you want to experience an abundant and free
life that only comes from knowing Jesus Christ as your Savior? He gave
His life to give you that opportunity, accept it and free yourself from
the burden of sin.
Our declaration of independence cost someone, something. Be
thankful there are those who are willing to pay the price for our
freedom, remember them. Remember the offer of freedom Jesus offers,
accept it.
BRINGING YOUR “A” GAME - With the new owner in the house it
was a good time to show everyone what you could do. The Whelen Modified
Tour has long had the reputation of being the best race of the weekend
and the pressure was on to live up to past editions, they didn’t
disappoint. The margin of victory was the closest on record .001. Check
out Howie’s picture of the finish, the cars are superimposed on each
other. I am sure TC is a little disappointed with second but Chuck
Hossfeld was able to claim that inch he needed to win.
This race lived up to the hype, clearly one for the memory banks to
be played back over and over. I know they have the tape and heard that
three front line commentators with modified roots where willing to do
the voice over and produce it for television, let’s hope NHMS and NASCAR
see the value in showing it.
The rumors started with Kyle Busch, moved to Tony Hirschman, heard
Jerry Marquis but in the end Jeff Fuller climbed in the JR Motorsports
7NY one week after being honored at Thompson. I talked with him and he
shared that it would take a little time to get back in the groove. He
didn’t waste the opportunity and drove home to a top ten finish. He did
it from the rear of the field. He still has it.
Jimmy Spencer, two-time champion was honored for his championships
but due to the threat of rain the pre-race was pushed along and the
photo ops would wait until Sunday. Mr. Excitement, as he was tagged by
Ben Dodge, finds his way into many of those campfire story telling
times. Jimmy won the 1986 & 87 Tour Titles.
The Camping World Series East had their opportunity to shine on
Friday afternoon. In the past this race has been hot and cold. They had
a chance to step off on the right foot with the new ownership and make a
good first impression. They did! What a great race, three-wide out of
turn four with five to go. A spin that brought out a yellow would send
it to extra distance and on the final restart Eddie McDonald got the
jump on Trevor Bayne to win. They were followed across the line by Matt
Kobyluck, who finally finished one at NHMS. He said it was a relief to
get through one and it felt like a win. Austin Dillon and Ricky
Carmichael filled out the top five.
What was supposed to be a washout weekend had its moments but let
the record show all but 17 laps were run in all four divisions racing at
NHMS. I think all the racing would have gotten in without JR getting
rear ended entering pit road late in the race. A great job by all the
folks at NHMS.
With the new management things were a little different, there were
a few more signs, new paint on the tunnel and several new faces. But the
hospitality we received was second to none. Thank you to everyone.
We’ll take the 4th of July off and then get back to work with the
Camping World Series headed to Thompson and the Whelen Modifieds headed
to Spencer in New York state. We’ll see you somewhere along the road,
have a safe and happy Fourth.
Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and apparel. See
them at the Online Apparel Store at
www.RWJM.org. Call
us with your prayer and counseling needs and list all your prayer needs,
no matter what part of our racing family you are in, with the Racing
Family Prayer Request Page
www.rwjm.org/page/prayers.php also send your prayer request by
mail. Until next time, remember that God loves you, we love you and
Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries , PO Box 586 ,
Tolland , CT 06084 . Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
News", the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper" See our on-line
Apparel Store for subscription information. Check our home page
www.rwjm.org for
past articles. We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our
Guest Book. Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your
prayerful financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord
make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his
face toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
July 3
THE REV. BILL & DAWN WAUGH - Pastor of the Greesburg, PA Church of
the Brethren/ RWJM PA/Ohio Coordinator and Challenger Raceway RWJM Track
Chaplain and very supportive wife share their 25th anniversary.
GEORGE & SANDRA MARTIN - This Wernersville, PA writer and wife
have their 39th anniversary.
July 4
GARY & DEBBIE DIONNE - This RWJM West Coast Coordinator/former Dion
Bros. Racing crewman and wife from NH, now in Acton , CA and a Hollywood
stunt driver, share their 16th anniversary.
July 5
PAUL & FRANCES HINTON - The proprietor of New England Heirlooms;
supplier of many beautiful auto racing trophies and plaques and much
more in Norwich , CT and wife share their 6th.
RON & ARLEEN MILLER - These Susquehanna and Silver Spring fans
from Camp Hill , PA have their 21st anniversary.
July 6
JERRY & JEANNE MARTEL - These Lee/Star Speedways Late Model team
owners turn their 39th lap together.
PHIL AND JOANNE KURZE - Phil dropped me a line asking me to say
thank you to his lovely wife JoAnne for sticking with him through all
the long hours and crazy travel schedule for 34 years. Phil is the face
behind the Whelen sponsorship for the Modifieds and the All-American
Racing Series. Our prayer is that you two would have many more wonderful
years together.
July 8
JOHN & LAURIE UDES - This asphalt Modified driver from white Plains
, NJ and wife celebrate their anniversary.
July 2
RICHARD PETTY - Randleman, NC owner of Petty Enterprises, all-time
winningest Cup driver, a founding-father of ministry in auto racing.
JOHNNY LEACH - Lumbertown, NJ dirt Modified driver.
TOM FLINN - Former Star Speedway (NH) Chief Tech Inspector.
GARY NEGRI - Danbury, CT Cup/Mod fan.
SCOTT ROBERTSON - Goodyear tire tech frequently with the CWES and a
pretty good bagpipe player.
July 3
JAMIE TOMAINO - Popular Howell, NJ NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour
driver Team #99 and Racing with Jesus Ministries supporter.
JIMMY HORTON - Whitehouse Station, NJ top dirt Modified driver.
CHARLIE DONK - NY D.I.R.T. Modified driver.
DON TIRPAK - Mt. Arlington, NJ Street Stock and Micro Stock driver.
RON JACKS - NASCAR West Series driver of Las Vegas , NV .
LINDA GEER - Waterford Speedbowl former Office Manager.
RICH PAWLICH - Rocky Hill, CT Modified fan.
UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA - Our Great Nation Blessed by God turns lap
BOB BARRON - Ontario, NY driver of the Spencer Speedway No. 28
asphalt Modified.
JOHN LOBO, JR. - CT based ProStock driver.
July 5
GIL TEGG, JR. - D.I.R.T. Modified driver.
MARK BURNS - NH SuperModified team owner.
ROB HODGKINS - Retired RWJM "Lieutenant," now a CT State
Correctional Officer from Canterbury .
CHERYL MORGAN - Daughter of Betty Evans.
July 6
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH - The President of the Untied States of
America .
EDDIE MacDONALD - From Newbury, MA, this Camping World East
Series driving son of LEE USA Speedway owner Red Macdonald.
BOB POTTER - Still winning, Occum , CT multi-time Waterford
Speedbowl, Thompson Speedway and Stafford Speedway Modified champion and
Waterford 's all-time winner.
GARY SMITH - Malahat, British Columbia NASCAR West driver.
RICK JOHNSON - Encinitas, CA LM driver.
MELISSA ROWE - The lovely wife of driver Ben.
SANDY URBINA - Wife of Riverhead Raceway driver Tony.
MEGHAN DILLNER - A daughter of racing TV Reporter Bobby and wife
Meredith is 14.
TYLER EDMONDS - The son of WMT crewman Tommy Edmonds and wife Sue
is 8.
CARITA TWINEM - Brookfield, Wisconsin fan.
July 7
RICK FORD - BRS Modified driver at Wall township Speedway .
TOM TWINEM - Brookfield, WI fan; Carita's husband.
July 8
TOM ROSATI - Agawam, MA former CWES/ProStock driver and husband of
Kristy Bennett Rosati, CWES driver Brad's sister.
SPIKE MATTATALL - Beech Ridge Speedway driver.
JENNIFER & PAULA ZUIDEMA - The wife and mom of Brookfield , MA
ProStock driver Jeff.
NICOLE STEFANIK - Daughter of NASCAR WMT/CWES multi-time champion
Mike and wife Julie, head of Koszela Speed.
LORI CANNEY - Wife of Meriden , CT AARN photographer Frank.
BEV MAVLOUGANES - Mom of Springfield , MA photographer Dave and
ProStock driving Jim.
KEVIN MORGAN - Son of Maryland fan Forrest.
JACOB MILLER - Son of Camp Hill , PA fans Ron and Arleen is 10.
JAKE MILLER - A son of Ron and Arleen in Camp Hill , PA is 11.
*** IN THE SHOP ***
GARY DIONNE'S DAD - Our West Coast Coordinator's dad is dealing with
some medical issues. Keep him in your prayers as he endures the
PO BOX 586, Tolland, CT, 06084
TheChromeHorn RWJM Archives
Racing With Jesus Ministries Website
Source: Rev
Don Rivers / Racing
With Jesus Ministries
July 3, 2008 |