What does it take to be at the top of your game? What does it take to
stay there? Have you noticed life is full of ups and downs? It is
difficult to stay on top. It is not that we don't try, but it just seems
difficult. Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Repeat champions are few. In the world of sports it is difficult to
win one, but repeating that is a challenge. We label the repeat
champions some of the greatest teams
of all times. We all know how difficult that accomplishment is.
I remember a few years back a team was on their run to the
championship. Wanting so badly to win they were afraid to change
anything thinking a change might keep them from winning. They won but do
you know what happened? The rest of the race teams passed them by. The
new season started and their car and setups that won them the
championship were not good enough to compete up front. They forgot to do
the one thing that put them in the position to win in the first place,
move forward.
Unless we continue to move forward we fall behind. Staying on top
of things requires that
we don't stop evaluating what we are doing. We can find ourselves in a
rut, we do the
same things over and over. They worked once. We cannot fool ourselves
into thinking that
we are fine where we are. Life requires growth and change.
Have you ever been to the mountaintop? Looked out over all the
Earth in awe and had that
feeling that you were on the top of the World? When we win that is what
it feels like.
When our life is in order and things fit together, that it what it feels
like. The
trouble is, staying on the top requires that we grow.
I know it sounds like a never ending battle with little time to
relax, but it is far from
that, it is a life style. See we are willing to risk everything for the
temporary high we
get from winning a trophy but what about the eternal prize we receive in
glory? The road
to glory isn't a difficult one, but it is one that requires constant
attention. Will
Rodgers said ?Even if we are on the right road we'll get run over if we
just sit there.?
We need to continue to grow in our walk with the Lord, but we also
need to remember that
God is the one doing all the work. Many times in His Word we find that
promise of rest,
restoration and comfort. We find God ready to guide us, we don't have to
find the way
ourselves, we only need to find God. We need to stay close to Him and
not wander away. We
need to have others alongside us to encourage us. Others to help us
remain on that
mountain top.
Look around and ask yourself, who have I surrounded myself with? If
you are running a
race team you would want those around you who knew how to setup a race
car to go fast. If
your goal is to live a life that pleases God then those around you
should know how to do
that. They should be able to help and encourage you toward that. The
writer of Hebrews
gives us some words of encouragement;
Hebrews 10:19-25, Therefore, brothers, since we have
confidence to enter the Most Holy
Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us
through the curtain,
that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of
God, let us draw
near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our
hearts sprinkled
to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with
pure water. Let
us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is
faithful. And let us
consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let
us not give up
meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us
encourage one
another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Like a race team, each one of us has a responsibility. In racing
each job is necessary
for the team to function in a way that qualifies it for the prize. In
life we need to do
the same. It is not something that can be done on your own. It is not
something that
requires knowledge that we do not have. It is something that requires us
to turn to God
and ask for his forgiveness and guidance. We need to surround ourselves
with others that
will encourage us and provide an example for us. Listen to Paul's
1Corinthians 9:24-27, Do you not know that in a race all the
runners run, but only one
gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who
competes in the games
goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last;
but we do it to
get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man
running aimlessly;
I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make
it my slave so
that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified
for the prize.
Philippians 3:17-21, Join with others in following
my example, brothers, and take note of
those who live according to the pattern we gave you. For, as I have
often told you before
and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of
Christ. Their
destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is
in their shame.
Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And
we eagerly await a
Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables
him to bring
everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that
they will be like
his glorious body.
Stay on top of your life! Live in such a way as to show others the
right way to go. Help
one another, encourage one another. Show the love that Christ had for us
that while we
were yet sinners he died on the cross so that we may have life and live
it to the
fullest. Have a great week.
It was with surprise and sadness that the news came Sunday night of
Joe Pratt's passing.
It was a surprise to us all as Joe held pretty close to himself about
his condition. I
think that was the character of Joe Pratt, not wanting anyone to stop
what they were
doing to concern themselves about him. Joe has a connection with many in
the racing
family as he was the coordinator behind MOTORSPORTS, the largest motor
sports show on the
Northeast, for Area Auto Racing News. He was also a lifelong friend and
sidekick of Lenny
Sammons. They raced together and worked together for some 30 plus years.
Please keep the
entire Area Auto racing family in your thoughts and prayers.
I met Joe a few times at Motorsports as he drove around on his ATV.
Joe seemed to always
have that smile on his face that let you know he had heard just about
every excuse and
story you could come up with for why you needed special consideration.
Joe had seen a lot
and heard it all before so you weren't going to tell him anything new.
If you needed
something he understood and would do his best to get you what you
needed. We will miss
I spent the week away from the track this week, headed to Maine and
relaxed a little.
Headed out to the Blue Hill Fair for Labor Day. The fair has a history
that has touched
each one of our lives, read the September issue of Downeast Magazine and
you will be
able to make the connection. If you are not the reading type, ask me and
I'll fill you in.
The racing action at Thompson saw Jimmy Blewett win the Sunoco Mod
feature and qualified
for the SK portion of the John Blewett Memorial North-South Shootout, an
event he won
last year. At Stafford , TC took home win #102 as he schooled Keith
Rocco. Keith is a
quick learner and will be all the wiser the next time around.
We get back to the track this week with Modified Mania at Thompson.
With the modified
community descending on Thompson there is only one place to be. Dan and
I are looking
forward to seeing you there. God Bless, have a great week.
Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and apparel. See
them at the Online Apparel Store at
www.RWJM.org. Call
us with your prayer and counseling needs and list all your prayer needs,
no matter what part of our racing family you are in, with the Racing
Family Prayer Request Page
www.rwjm.org/page/prayers.php also send your prayer request by
mail. Until next time, remember that God loves you, we love you and
Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586,
Tolland, CT 06084. Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
News", the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper" See our on-line
Apparel Store for subscription information. Check our home page
www.rwjm.org for
past articles. We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our
Guest Book. Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your
prayerful financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord
make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his
face toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
September 3
WILLIS & LOIS MERRILL - Kennebunk, ME NASCAR CWES fans celebrate
their anniversary.
September 6
DAVID & COLLEEN BENNETT - Officials with the old Busch North now
David with Sprint Cup
celebrate their 22nd lap together.
September 7
BOBBY & SUSAN SILAPIGNI - Sheba Racing NASCAR WMT team crewman
and wife have their
RICH & MARY PAWLICH - These Rocky Hill, CT NASCAR WMT fans
have their 15th anniversary.
September 3
JACK PENNINGTON - Augusta, GA LMSC driver.
CARLTON P. MERRILL - From Newton, MA, Carl is the GM at Monadnock
Speedway near Keene, NH.
NORM McINTOSH - Crewman on the NH based Mike Weeden LM.
RANDY LEE JOHNSTON -A New Waterford Speedbowl fan.
September 4
BOB JENKINS - Renowned as racing's premier pass-by-pass action TV
announcer on ESPN for
the IRL, this Indianapolis, IN resident is also with Linger Productions
who produces
great race coverage and Bob is also the voice of the Indy 500 Radio
REV. JOE BUBBICO - This former CT based Modified driver also has
quite a voice and is using it to witness for our Lord at Orange Show
Speedway and Perris Speedway while
continuing his driving at OSS from his home in Winchester, CA.
JEFF FEHR - Mahoning Valley Speedway driver.
FRED STODDARD - Brother-in-Law of Stafford Late Model driver Tom
BILL EMHOFF - York Maine crew member on the #21 WMT.
September 5
DICK HOULIHAN - Massachusetts ProStock/ WMT driver.
BILL TANNER - Newtown, PA Bridgeport Modified driver.
KELLY TANNER - Woodinville, WA NASCAR West driver. (no relation
to Bill)
JEFF GREEN - Owensboro, KY NSC driver.
KENNY BERNSTEIN - NHRA Funny Car driver.
DONNA WEARING - Wife of Western PA dirt big block LM driver Bob,
DAN AYOTTE - Waterville, ME racing writer.
GREG GODEK - Windsor Locks, CT Mini Sprint driver at Whip City
and brother in Christ.
JULIE STEFANIK - The Manager of Koszella Speed Warehouse in Rhode
Island and the
supportive wife of past NASCAR Camping World East Series and Whelen
Modified Tour champion, Mike.
September 7
ANDY SANTERRE - Cherryfield, ME, now Mooresville, NC, 4-time CWES
Champion now is guiding ASM.
TOM FEARN - Feeding Hills, MA Late Model driver.
PEGGY HEEG - Sponsor of Mark Lento's Riverhead Raceway Firgure
Eight team.
September 8
MARTY RADEWICK - Almost Retired Riverside Park Speedway Modified
September 9
JEFF HAMMOND - Former NSC/NNS Crew Chief now TV commentator.
AUDREY STEVENS MOCKOVAK - This Calremont, NH Speedway Modified
driver is also the lovely wife of Mark Mockovak.
FRED VORDEMEIER, SR. - The father of NASCAR WMT driver, Fred, JR;
"The Big Apple Kid" from West Hempstead, NY.
LARRY NICEWICZ - Vernon, CT retired racing writer.
CHAD MILLER - Son of NY photographer Chuck.
BILL CHANNELL - Proprietor of Epping, NH's Channell 1 Video who
has now gone digital.
ARLEEN SUKUP - Wife of Schodack Landing, NY former Midget owner
BILL WOODWARD - Big Ed Flemke Jr. fan and former NFM driver.
JOE PRATT - Joe passed away suddenly last Sunday evening after a
long but private battle with some medical issues. Joe was an integral
part of Area Auto Racing News and also the man who made Motorsports go.
Joe will be missed by all of us in the racing family. Cards of sympathy
and condolece can be sent to Cindy Pratt, 19 Wayne Drive, Woolwich, NJ
PO BOX 586, Tolland, CT, 06084
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Racing With Jesus Ministries Website