This past Monday was Valentines Day, I hope you guys remembered. I don’t
mean to pick on the guys but this is a day the ladies never seem to forget.
Valentines Day, an opportunity to tell someone how much they mean to you.
Why do we need a special day? Because we are not good at it, we tend to see
what’s wrong, not what is right. Greetings in the name of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ.
Racing isn’t a lovey dovey sport. We don’t spend a lot of time
telling each other how much we love them. I am pretty sure, as Tina Turner
says; we might ask ourselves “what’s love got to do with it?” It has
everything to do with it.
I am not talking about erotic love or brotherly love; I am talking
about unconditional love. That is when we treat people with respect and
dignity no matter who or what they are. When we give them that respect we
begin to value others the way God does.
For some reason we think we can compete with each other and not
consider who is in the other car. I like to remind the drivers at the
drivers meeting before I pray, look around, these are the people you will be
driving against, treat each other with respect.
Respect is only one aspect of reflecting the love that God has for
each of us. Sacrifice is another important component. We read how much God
loved us in the familiar verse from John’s Gospel;
John 3:16-17;
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send
his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through
did what we could not do for ourselves, even the score, pay the price for
our sin. God loved us so much that He provided a sacrifice for us. It is
because of that sacrifice that we can have a relationship with Him.
What about our earthly relationships? How do we treat those around
us that we care about? Many times we are guilty of taking them for granted.
Many times we assume they know we love them and it isn’t necessary to tell
them. Let me share with you that isn’t the case. Everyone needs to know that
they are loved, that they are important, and that they matter.
Genuine Love for someone isn’t something that comes natural to us.
We tend to be better at pointing out what is wrong with someone than what is
right. We are conditioned to pick people apart. We need to turn that around
and develop the technique of building people up. That is the first step
toward showing others God’s love.
Are you a person that likes to antagonize others? Pick at someone
just to get a rise out of them? Not meaning anything, just for fun. Well
that is destructive, it is demoralizing. It doesn’t matter whether you mean
it or not it is the greatest tool Satan uses to wedge his way into
relationships for one sole purpose, to destroy them. Don’t fall victim to
this tactic. If you do, it is one of the hardest habits to break.
Jesus says, do not call someone a fool, you have committed murder.
Paul writes, “Do not put out the Spirits fire”
We are all guilty of this, tearing each other down just for the fun
of it. This should not be. Listen to what Paul says about God’s love, the
love we need to show others.
1Corinthians 12:31b; And now I will show you the most excellent way.
1Corinthians 13:4-8a; Love is patient, love is
kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of
wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always
protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
We have quite a list to tackle
don’t we. The point is this, God’s love is not just something that happens,
it must be practiced. We don’t naturally act in a way that reflects the love
of God. We need to practice and learn what it means to love one another the
way God loves us.
For the world to see the hope they can have in Christ, those of us
who are Christians need to start learning how to love one another. We are
called to be bigger than the pettiness of selfishness. If the world doesn’t
see it from us, who will they be able to turn to?
The way we act will go a long way toward bring people to welcome
the love of God into their lives. When others see the love we have in our
heart for them they will be drawn closer to God. You don’t have to look any
further than Jesus to see that.
He came into this world to show us the love of God. He walked with
us, He taught us, He guided us, He healed us, He gave His life for us, He
saved us. What a wonderful example to have to follow.
I have this Valentine message for you,
2Corinthians 13:14; May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love
of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
THE RACER’S EXPO - Bobby Seymour of The Race Depot has
the 2011 version of the show ready to roll. Last years venture was a
tremendous success with many quality vendors and a fantastic turnout from
the racing community. This years show will be in the same place; Friday the
25th - 4 PM to 9 PM & Saturday, the 26th - 10 AM to 7 PM at the Royal Plaza
Hotel - Route 20 - Marlboro, MA - Exit 24b off I-495.
The show has expanded this year making use of the Grand
Ballroom. This will give the show a large main area to work from. This also
allowed for the number of exhibitors to be increased over last year
providing even more opportunities to see what is new and different for the
upcoming race season.
Bobby will continue what he started at last year’s show, attendance
is free to the racers and all you have to do is go to the web site, to register.
One of the great things about this show is the size, it is big
enough to have what you need, but intimate enough to talk directly to the
people in charge. The Racer’s Expo doesn’t leave you lost in the crowd. I
look forward to seeing you there.
LIVE ON THE AIR - While Down in Florida next week I will do
a guest appearance on Life Talk, a Christian radio show. Life Talk is a
weekly radio show broadcast on WTLN am 950 to thousands of listeners in and
around Central Florida. It is produced by Salem Communications, and airs
every Saturday from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST.
Life Talk follows a casual fun format. Each episode includes a
variety of topics on everything from Computers to Ministries to Politics.
The hosts, Paul and Cindy Rosarius are everyday people with everyday lives
and inject their opinions into this thought provoking show.
This week I can tell you we will add some racing to the topics
discussed so if you can, please turn in and listen to Life Talk.
SOMETHING DIFFERENT - I also am going to do an interview
with a young driver that carries the RWJM banner in central Florida, Jason
Rosarius. I met Jason at PRI a few years ago and he has been developing his
racing career on the short tracks of Central Florida. I though it might a
good opportunity to get to know him, his testimony and his desired goals in
racing. Look for this special column next week.
AND AWAY WE GO - Off to the snowless south, we’ll see if I
can make the adjustment. I have been watching the proceedings down at New
Smyrna and was wondering if all the cars got stuck in the snow up in the
Northeast. I know that many plow as a means to help them race. Given the
winter and the money to be made I can understand if some cars didn’t make
the trip. I hope to see a larger contingent when I get to New Smyrna. Also
look for me a Volusia, I have plans to play in the dirt while I am down
there also..
Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and
apparel. See them at the Show Your Faith Apparel Store at Send us
your prayer and counseling needs no matter what part of our racing family
you are in, or give us a call. Until next time, remember that God loves you,
we love you and
Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586,
Tolland, CT 06084.
Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper.
See our on-line Apparel
Store for subscription information.
Check our home page for past
We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our Guest Book.
Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your prayerful
financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord
make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face
toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
February 18
NED & MARTHA JARRETT- The former NSC champion and wife; proud parents of
TV's Glen and NSC Dale, share their 54th anniversary.
February 20
MARK & DALE THOMAS- The Publisher of Maine based "The Racin' Paper" and wife
share their 11th anniversary.
JOE & ARLEEN SUKUP- This Schodack Landing, NY retired Midget owner and wife
make it 44 years.
February 21
RYAN & LORA MARKHAM- This Wayne County Speedway based, Ashalnd, Ohio Late
Model driver and wife celebrate their 12th anniversary.
February 16
BOB BALAAM- Bridgeport Sportsman driver; Stan Ploski's nephew.
JERRY "MAGEE" MILLER- Allentown, PA Mod/NASCAr Mod/Truck driver.
ANDY SCHALTZ- Whip City Mini Sprint and Riverside Mini Stock driver.
ROBERT BLACK- Hickory, NC retired former NNS Director.
STEPHANIE BALL- Daughter of NH Mod driver Rusty and wife Ann.
ARIANNA KOHLER- The daughter of Grandview/ Big Diamond NASCAR dirt Modified
driver Warren.
February 17
TRACY MARCIEL MANION- Wife of crew chief and 7NY modified Kevin "Bono"
Manion now living in NC.
DEVIN PEREZ- The grandson of Publisher/ Editor and
Raceway Media magazine columnist, Mike and wife Lori.
SHELLEY GAHAN- Daughter of NH LM/NASCAR KNPSE driver Bobby and wife Carol.
JUDY KRAMER- Riverhead, NY Rusty Wallace fan.
February 18
JIMMY KITE- Effingham, IL born, now Stockbridge, GA IRL driver.
PHILLIP DOWNS- Retired Riverhead Modified team owner.
February 19
JEFF PURVIS- Clarksville, TN NNS/ARCA driver.
JOHN PAUL, JR.- Muncie, IN born, now West Palm Beach, CA IRL driver.
JOAN MICHEL- Mom of Wall Township Speedway top Modified driver Dave and wife
of former Wall Mod champion Tom.
February 20
SCOTT LAGASSE- St. Augustine, FL NASCAR Truck Series driver.
MIKE MATTHEWS- NJ asphalt Mod driver.
ARLEEN MILLER- Camp Hill, PA Susky fan; Ron's wife.
February 21
WAYNE JACKS- Las Vegas, NV NASCAR West driver.
RICHARD JORDAN- Of long-time Kelly Moore NASCAR KNPSE sponsor, Jordan
REBECCA RESNER- Daughter of Long Island LM team owner, Richie and wife
February 22
CHUCK BOWN- Oregon semi-retired NNS/NASCAR Truck driver.
PHIL COOK- Hickory,NC Speedway driver.
PEGGY KARBONIC- Wife of Newington, CT Modified driver Bob, forever young.
JONATHAN JORDAN- Of Kelly Moore NASCAR KNPSE sponsor Jordan Lumber.
FRANK CANNEY- Meriden, CT photographer.
AJ PAPALE- Son of CT based Mod/ProStock driver/crew cheif Tony and wife
PO Box 586
Tolland, CT, 06084
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