I need to give a shout out to my good friend Walter Newcomb; he is the one
that reminded me of a day that was near and dear to Rev. Pat, Armed Forces
Day. With the recent developments around the world and the success of our
special forces I think it is right to call to mind those who serve.
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Walt was a fixture on the Whelen Modified Tour when I first came on
board, Walter and his cup. He always had an interesting take on the subject
at hand and he wasn’t shy about sharing his thoughts. It is no wonder he and
Tommy Baldwin Sr. were together, man those two could tell you some stories.
Walter shared a few of them with me, the ones he could clean up and make fit
for a preacher’s ears anyway; like using the modified to drive down the
street to get coffee, only “The Show” could get away with that.
Walter moved from crew member to the commentating side of things,
he was a natural. I still look into the archives of Mod Series Scene to
remember his eloquence with the written word. I have been known to borrow a
quote or two now and then and thought I would share this one with you.
Walter wrote in his remembrance of Rev. Pat’ “Long before we heard
those asking for God’s protection for our troops by those giving an
invocation at National events, Pat had made it part of his regular prayers.
Evans had served in the Navy and never seemed to forget to recognize anyone
for their military service. Had there been a Tour event on May 21st and Pat
could have attended, he would have reminded us that it was Armed Forces
It is with the encouragement of Walter and in Rev. Pat’s honor that
I encourage you this week to remember those who serve. Saturday, May 21, is
Armed Forces Day, there is a K&N race in Iowa and Rev. Dan will remember to
honor and pray for those who serve us.
In my recent columns we have been discussing what it means to serve
and as I have been preparing for my Sunday Morning Messages at Emmanuel
Baptist in West Springfield this verse came to mind;
John 15:13,
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
day in every corner of the world men and women have set their lives aside to
protect the freedoms that we enjoy. They have put their families on hold.
They have missed birthdays, weddings, births and deaths. Why, to serve us.
They go to defend our right to freedom; to defend our right to go to the
track of our choice and enjoy a night out watching auto racing; to defend
our right to say whatever we want; to defend our right to protest; to defend
our right to vote and have a say in how this country is run. We can call
them friends.
I ask that on Saturday you say thank you, if you see a uniformed
serviceman or woman don’t be shy about walking up to them and extending a
hand in friendship. Thank them for the sacrifice they are making on your
America is still the greatest nation on the earth because of these
men and women. People from around the world still want to come here because
of the freedoms we enjoy. We need to appreciate what we have been given and
recognize those who sacrifice in service to maintain it. Don’t be guilty of
complacency; let them know you are thankful for their sacrifice.
AT THOMPSON - I spent Thursday night out at Thompson for their season
opener. From the looks of things there is an opportunity to be had. Many
things in life travel in cycles up and down and up again. I have been told
the best time to invest is when the market is down, that is when you get the
most for your dollar. Well if you want to get into the upper divisions, Late
Model, Super Late Model or Sunoco Modified, now is the time to go for it.
To quote my friend Walter again, I borrow from a column he wrote in
2008; “Regardless or even in spite of the economic conditions, our success
and the future of local and regional racing is in our hands. Should we
succeed we may call it a renaissance in Modified racing and a legacy will
continue to grow. If we care not, we will be nothing more than a group of
proud people who say “remember when”. The economy is likely to get worse
before it gets better. Let’s do what we can together to keep our sport
I am sure the folks at Thompson are working hard exploring the many
options available to them to move things in a different direction. There is
no shortage of options; in times like these everyone has an opinion and is
willing to share it. The challenge comes which choices will be the best for
everyone involved.
The fact remains there is an opportunity that doesn’t happen all
too often, due to the current situation of things it is the perfect time to
get you feet wet in moving up the racing ladder. You will not only be able
to get experience and track time but also an experienced group of people who
can give you the extra attention you need to shorten the learning curve.
Things have a way of working themselves out and I am hopeful that
Thompson will make the right choices when it comes to whose opinion to
listen too. I also know that now is the time to experiment and try something
new. Get out there and see what you can do to make the most of the
FRIDAY NIGHT AT STAFFORD - I took the opportunity this week
to head out to Stafford on Friday night. It is always feel good to head to a
place that you know so well. On Friday the thirteenth it seemed appropriate
that number 13 would win the SK Mod feature and TC didn’t disappoint. He won
with Woody Pitkat and Ryan Preece following him home.
They started something new this year at the driver’s meeting, they
have a driver address the other competitors about what is on their mind.
This week Keith Rocco did the challenging. It will be interesting to see how
this is received.
This week Rev. Dan heads to Iowa for the K&N Combo race, East vs.
West. He will be joined by our Midwest Coordinator, Chuck McNeil and his
wife Kelly. It will be Kelly’s first trip to the track and I am sure she
will have plenty to share.
I am headed up to Lee for the NEMA Lites appearance. Hope to see
you on the road.
Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and apparel. See
them at the Show Your Faith Apparel Store at
www.rwjm.com. Send us
your prayer and counseling needs no matter what part of our racing family
you are in, or give us a call. Until next time, remember that God loves you,
we love you and
Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586,
Tolland, CT 06084.
Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper.
See our on-line Apparel
Store for subscription information.
Check our home page
www.rwjm.org for past
We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our Guest Book.
Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your prayerful
financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord
make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face
toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
May 18
HOWARD & MARY HODGE- This Manchester, CT racing photographer couple share
their 48th.
JIM, JR AMD GINGER HAILEY- The NC LMSC driving son of Richard Childress Show
Car Team Manager Jim, have their 17th anniversary.
TONY & ELIZABETH DIAS- This Riverside, RI ProStock driver and wife celebrate
26 years together.
May 19
EDDIE & ANN DENSIESKI- This Riverhead NASCAR Modified driver and wife share
their special day.
JERRY AND DEBBIE LILLQUIST- This former Thompson Late Model driver and wife,
now living in Myrles Inlet, SC, have their 38th anniversary.
May 21
TODD & LINDA HENSHAW- This Thompson MiniStock driver turned crewchief and
wife share their 22nd anniversary.
REV. DAN & DEBBIE PETFIELD- The RWJM Vice President/KNPSE Pastor and wife
share their 29th.
May 22
BILL & JANICE SWEET- Parents of Waterford SK Mod driver Brent Sweet
celebrate 29 years of joyous marriage.
May 23
STEVE AND PATTY SMUDGE- The Easton, MA retired Mini Modified team owner and
wife have their 40th anniversary..
May 18
ROGER OXEE- Riverhead Raceway competitor.
GARY LaMOUNTAIN- Riverhead Raceway LM driver.
May 19
JODY RIDLEY- Chatsworth, GA NASCAR All Pro Series driver.
DALE CAMPFIELD- Apalachin, NY former owner of Shangri-La (Tioga) Speedway.
SYLVIA CRUNDEN- Wife of CT ProStocker Brian.
May 20
BOB MENSCHNER- Wall Stadium's RWJM Chaplain from Waretown, NJ. Keep up the
good work.
MIKE STEFANIK- Coventry, RI Whelen Modified Tour and K&N Pro Series East
multi-time champion and current WMT driver.
TONY STEWART- Rushville, IN born, now in Columbus, IN car owner and driver
in NSC.
ERIC NORRIS- Redondo Beach, CA NASCAR West/NNS driver.
FRED SCHIELE- Riverhead Raceway regular.
ASHLEY FULLER- A daughter of Karen and NASCAR WMT champ Jerry Marquis of
Enfield, CT.
May 21
RODNEY FRANKLIN- Cross Junction, VA dirt LM driver.
DANNY ONGAIS- Hawaii born, now Santa Ana, CA IRL driver.
DAN MASON- Holland and Spencer Speedways NASCAR LM driver.
DAVE NESEMANN- Crewman on George Andretta Wall Stadium ProStock team.
May 22
BOBBIE SCHNEIDER- wife of The Old Master, Frankie Schneider, has her big
ERNEST WINSLOW- Scotland Neck, NC LMSC driver.
RAY DANIELS- Colorado Springs, CO NASCAR LM driver.
CLAYTON MURPHY- Plymouth, MA Regional Manager for Ferrero Candies, including
Tic-Tac and a good friend to all in the K&N Pro Series and Modified Tour.
BILL POTTEIGER III- This Christian fan and Vintage Car enthusiast from
Enola, PA has his birthday.
May 23
WALLY DALLENBACH, JR- NNS driver and TV commentator.
CHARLES ELMS III- Bear Ridge, VT Speedway owner and dirt Modified driver.
STEVE CHOWANSKY- Stafford Speedway WAAS SK Modified team owner.
BOB BARKER- "Mad Dog," owner of the Legends 8NY driven by Paul Rochelle III.
DALE NICKEL- This Thompson Speedway photographer is Joan's brother-in-law
and photographer Scott's brother.
LISA JO WORTH- South Tom's River, NJ Nextel Cup fan and wife of Don.
May 24
RICKY CRAVEN- The Newburgh, ME NASCAR driver has turned his eforts to
TERRY FISHER- Sandy, OR NASCAR West driver.
JOHN SPORS- Boston, NY NASCAR KNPSE/ Holland Speedway driver.
PO Box 586
Tolland, CT, 06084
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