Have you ever looked someone in the eyes? You can tell a lot about a person
by looking them in the eye. You can also learn a lot by watching someone’s
eyes. The eye is the window to the soul. Greetings in the name of our Lord
and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We communicate much information by where our eyes are focused. We
all have heard about wandering eyes. What do you tell others about yourself
by where your eyes are focused? Be careful your eyes reveal much more than
you think.
Matthew 6:22-23; "The eye is the lamp of the
body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if
your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the
light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
At Dover this past Friday I saw
a few old friends. At credential sign in we bumped into Paul Andrews and his
wife, later I ran into their son Tim. That family has always been an
encouragement to me, more than they know. Maybe it is because when you talk
with Paul he is focused on you; he looks you in the eye and greets you with
that wide smile of his. One of the most special memories I have in racing is
about Paul and Tim. Paul and Tim are racers. Paul earned his honor as Alan
Kulwicki's 1992 Winston Cup Champion crew chief. Tim, when he isn't racing
is working in someone's shop.
The best things in racing don't always happen on the track. The
place was Stafford Motor Speedway. It was a night race for the Old Busch
North Series. It was Tim's first visit to the track and in the first
practice session he backed it into the wall. As I went to check on the team
there was Paul on his back pounding out the rear quarter. It wasn't Paul's
job to fix it but that didn't stop him. Tim made the race.
Before the race the cars were staged along the back stretch fence.
As the local racers contended on the track there sat a father and son
talking about the thing they shared, a love for racing. Tim leaned against
the front bumper with his arm on his bent knee tired from a long day. Paul
squatted facing him with a smile that shone bright as the track lighting
filtered through the backstretch billboards. They reviewed the events of the
day and took pride in the effort they put forth. It didn't matter where they
finished that night the day was a success, a father and son worked side by
side and shared more than most, a job well done.
Our eyes can lead us to trust someone or they can lead us to
temptation. What we choose to focus on goes a long way toward the decisions
we make. We have all been there, trying to resist the temptation of doing
something that we know we shouldn’t. When faced with a tempting proposition
who do we blame, God or ourselves? How do we handle it? How do we reason
with ourselves so that we make the right decision?
On the road and away from home we are sometimes tempted to do
something different than we would normally do. There are many things on the
road that tempt us. How we respond to that stimulus determines who we really
trust. Do we trust ourselves?
Take a look at temptation another way. In racing we have rules. We
are tempted to twist or break those rules to gain a competitive advantage.
Some of the rules are vague and we are tempted to twist them in our favor.
Sometimes the rules are very clear and we decide to ignore them. There are
some of us who will do whatever it takes to win. We rationalize it by saying
everything is fair if you don't get caught.
When we give in to temptation it undermines our integrity and leads
others to distrust us. When you lose the trust of someone it is very
difficult to regain. When we give into the temptation to be selfish we lose
more than we ever thought possible. We lose our relationships with others.
Falling into temptation costs us more than we realize, it will separate us
from God.
In the Lord's Prayer we ask God to help us avoid temptation and
lead us away from evil. I think part of the problem is that we don't see it
as that evil. We rationalize our decisions based on the actions of others
and not on the instruction of God. We feel if everyone is doing it so why
not us. That is the wrong conclusion. We need to set ourselves apart from
the behavior of others so that we show there is a different way to live.
Listen to the way James shows us the connection between temptation and sin.
1:13-15, When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For
God cannot be tempted by evil,
nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil
desire, he is dragged away and enticed.
Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is
full-grown, gives birth to death.
Temptation is the beginning of a cycle
that ends in death. We think we can handle it but before we realize it we
are trapped in sin. If we don't deal with our sin we will be eternally
separated from God. James helps us to understand that it is not God's choice
but ours. We choose to let ourselves be tempted. We choose to act on that
temptation. Because that temptation has its root in evil it only leads us
away from God.
There are many things in life that are tempting. We all have our
weaknesses. We all have those parts of us that are prone to be weak. It is
important to know our own weaknesses and take steps to avoid those
situations. It is beneficial to have a relationship with someone who can
hold us accountable; someone who cares for us enough to keep you from making
choices that will only lead us away from God.
At its core, temptation is our selfish nature trying to override
the Spirit of God in our heart. We know what we want. We know it is not the
best. We know that we shouldn’t. But we do it anyway.
We need to keep our eyes from things that will open our heart to
temptation. We need to overcome temptation and the destruction it brings
into our lives. We need to know what choice will honor God. We need to make
that choice. I encourage you to find someone to hold you accountable for the
decisions you make. Build a relationship with them and together make every
effort to honor God in all you do.
A QUICK TRIP AND THEN SOME - Looked at the weather
forecast and made the call to head to Dover last Friday, looks like I made
the right choice, rain canceled the activities at Stafford as the Fall Final
got underway.
With the threat of rain a constant throughout the day at Dover we
were able to get things in and head out as darkness fell. In the past this
was the last race of the season and a champion would be crowned, but this
year we have two races left on the schedule. We will be headed back to
Greenville Pickens in a couple weeks for a makeup race and then off to
Rockingham for the season ending inaugural race.
The point battle is heating up and these last two races should be
very interesting. With just eight points separating the top three the
championship race will go down to the final checkered flag, stay tuned.
Darrell Wallace Jr. had an interesting double on Friday; he won
both the K&N Pole and the Nationwide Pole. What a great day for him and we
can be sure there will be many more.
On the injury front, all three drivers involved in the late race
crash at NHMS that sent them to the hospital were back racing at Dover . The
only hitch was the one in the step of CJ Faison who was still nursing a sore
left foot. That’s okay you don’t need that one to go fast!
STAFFORD SHOWS ITS COLORS - With an awesome display of fall
color Stafford Motor Speedway crowned its local champions contesting the
Carquest Fall Final. Longtime Whelen Modified Tour competitor and former
champion, Jamie Tomaino served as the Grand Marshall. It is special when
people recognize the contribution you have made and the dedication you have
to the tour. Jamie has started more Whelen Modified Tour races than any
other driver. He still has the passion to race, coming home sixteenth.
Woody Pitkat was the marathon driver on this day; he had a ride in
all three features, after winning the Late Model Championship he climbed
into his tour ride from Hillbilly racing and dominated the Tour race leading
over 125 of the 150 laps. Imagine the challenge when he lost his power
steering with 20 to go. Fight as he might, Bobby Santos caught up with him
and with four to go made the pass for the lead and race win.
Woody has given some encouragement to the Hills late in a season
that has seen them not sure who is going to fill the seat. He is excited
about heading to Thompson for the series finale, a track where he has won
The point race tightened up with Coby holding onto a slim seventeen
point lead over Ryan Preece and an eighteen point lead over Ron Silk. Make
your plans now to be at Thompson as the World Series of Auto Racing
determines the Champion.
with me as I entered Stafford on Sunday morning, “Today is the saddest
moment in my life, my mother Maria Pares passed away after suffering a long
term illness. She's blessed in death to be with her husband. May she rest in
peace.” The Pares family has been going through some pretty difficult
challenges; please keep them lifted up in your thoughts and prayers.
Until next time, be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals
and apparel. See them at the Show Your Faith Apparel Store at
http://www.rwjm.com/store. Send us your prayer and counseling needs no matter
what part of our racing family you are in, or give us a call. Remember that
God loves you, we love you and Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586,
Tolland, CT 06084.
Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper.
See our on-line Apparel
Store for subscription information.
Check our home page
www.rwjm.org for past
We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our Guest Book.
Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your prayerful
financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord
make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face
toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
October 4
MIKE & LORI FIELDS- share their 36th Anniversary. The couple is involved
with Racing 4 Kids Children's Charities.
BOB & JENNIFER WEBBER, JR.- Promoter of Star Speedway in Epping, NH and wife
celebrate their 13th anniversary.
TRAVERS & NOREEN CAMBRA- This former Wall Stadium photographer and wife
share their 41st anniversary.
October 6
RACING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES- Celebrates our 32nd anniversary.
TIM & KATHY ATTAYA- The Co-Producers of the annual Maine Civic Center
Motorsports show have their 21st anniversary.
October 7
BOB & CAROLYN BLAISDELL- These fans from Champaign, IL have their 45th
October 9
couple have their 17th anniversary.
October 3
ALAN JOHNSON- "AJ Slideways," NY based DIRT Modified driver.
TOM CAPIE- Trevose, PA URC Sprint driver.
TOM TAGG- Former track champ of Thompson Int'l Speedway, proud Dad to Brian
Tagg, T.I.S. mod driver & uncle to SK light driver Troy Talman.
ALESSANDRO ZAMPEDRI- Monte Carlo, Monaco, Brescia, Italy born, IRL driver.
October 4
BUDDY LOECHER- Bob Park's former Riverhead Modified Crew Chief, now doing
same for Bob in NC.
DREW DAMIANI- The senior driver on the LAD 1/4 Midget Racing team in PA.
SARAH BURTON- The daughter of South Boston, VA driver Ward and wife Tabitha.
EMILY CAVALLERO- This Wall Township speedway fan from Farmingdale, NJ and
grandaughter of fan Doris Bradley.
LINDA EVANS- A Whelen Modified Tour & Waterford Speedbowl fan.
October 5
DAVE REZENDES- Charlotte, NC ,Assonet, MA born, CTS/NNS driver.
JOHN "Grandpa" BLEWETT, SR.- NJ retired asphalt Modified great and dad of
retired great John Blewett II and grandad of WMT driver Jimmy Blewett and
the late John III.
BUBBA GALE- Irvington, AL NASCAR All-Pro Series driver.
VILLEROY HARD - "Vill" of Clifton, NJ has his 83rd.
TIM PLOURDE – Car Chief of the #27 SK Light at Stafford Motor Speedway and
tire carrier for Todd Szegedy’s WMT #2.
October 6
CHIP SLOCUM- Ewing, NJ dirt Modified driver.
MIKE McLAUGHLIN- Waterloo, NY born former NNS, KNPSE & WMT driver.
DICK McCABE- Retired Kennebunkport, ME NASCAR KNPSE great.
RICH LAVALETTE- "Haskell" is a former Mario Fiore/Gulf Racing NASCAR WMT
crewman, now on a south team.
SUZANNE STIVASON- Car owner of the modlite 116 champion at Blanket Hill
speedway and sprintcar #4 champion at Mercer park in western pa.
October 7
LYNDA RIVERS- Wife of WMT pastor and RWJM President Rev. Don. Thank you for
all your understanding and love.
October 8
RONNIE F. WILLIAMS- SKlite driver at Stafford Motor Speedway.
BILL ELLIOTT- Dawsonville, GA Dodge part-time NSC driver and former
WAYNE ANDERSON- Yaphank, LI, NY former NASCAR WMT champion.
HAL RESH- Pennsy asphalt Modified driver.
SHAWN MARQUIS- One of Enfield, CT NASCAR KNPSE/WMT driver Jerry and wife
Karen's children.
MARK SABATINE- Longtime spotter/radioman for Steve Payne and Payne
MARILYN BARKER- Mom of Bob "Mad Dog" and Billy "the Kid" Barker Garden State
Vintage Stock Car Club, Saten Island, NY.
October 9
FRANKLIN BUTLER- Chester, VA Mitchell Motorsports NASCAR KNPSE driver.
RICKY ELLIOTT- D.I.R.T. Modified driver.
RON ESAU- Lakeside, CA NASCAR West driver.
VINCENZO SOSPIRI- Monte Carlo, Monaco IRL driver.
C.D. COVILLE- Retired famous Schenectady, NY dirt Mod driver.
DAN HARMON- Grottoes, VA Micro Sprint driver.
MARIA PARES- Michael shared with me as I entered Stafford
on Sunday morning, “Today is the saddest moment in my life, my mother Maria
Pares passed away after suffering a long term illness. She's blessed in
death to be with her husband. May she rest in peace.” The Pares family has
been going through some pretty difficult challenges; please keep them lifted
up in your thoughts and prayers.
PO Box 586
Tolland, CT, 06084
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Racing With Jesus Ministries Website