Welcome back, have you examined the difference between
having success and being successful? I took a little detour last week to
talk about what is in our heart. Remember being successful has more to do
with character and less to do with performance. Greetings in the name of our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Remember that guy that asked to use your hauler as a pulpit? He
thanked you by giving you advice on how to set up your racecar. You were
skeptical but followed his advice. As it turned out he knew what he was
talking about. Therein lies one of the elements of being successful,
following someone who knows the way.
Last time we looked into this passage from Luke's Gospel. Here's it
is again so that we can make reference to it.
Luke5:1-11; One day as Jesus
was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him
and listening to the word of God, he saw at the water's edge two boats,
left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of
the boats,
the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore.
Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he had finished
he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a
Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught
But because you say so, I will let down the nets." When they had done so,
they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them,
and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. When
Simon Peter saw this,
he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful
For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had
and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners.
Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men."
So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
In this passage we find the record of how
Peter came to follow Jesus. Peter had a choice, he could have remained a
fisherman or he could become a fisher of men. To show Peter the He knew the
way, Jesus demonstrated His ability to catch fish. After seeing this
demonstration the passage says Peter left his nets and boats and followed
Jesus. That must have been one awesome catch of fish to impress a fisherman
so much. Can you imagine what it would take for us to leave everything
behind and follow Christ?
I find it amazing that Peter walked away from everything he had
accomplished, everything he had built, his entire business and followed
Jesus. What would it take for you to leave everything at the track and
follow Jesus? Can you even imagine what it would take for you to just leave
everything and follow Jesus? That's exactly what Peter did. Peter came to
the realization that with Jesus failure was not an option.
Look at the situation; Peter and his associates had been out
fishing all night. They caught nothing. They went back out during the day
and caught so many fish their boats were sinking. They had never seen so
many fish. You can imagine the questions that ran through their minds, "Who
is this man that knows where all these fish were?" Then Peter decided he was
worth following and his associates, James and John, followed along.
In addition to the three steps we discussed previously;
1) The first step to being successful is including Jesus.
He must be a part of our life.
2) We must allow Jesus to have control of the direction and decisions in our
3) Jesus will guide us to people, places and things that we wouldn't have
met, gone or done if we didn't follow Him.
Let's add these;
4) Realize failure is not an option when we follow Jesus,
He will not fail.
5) Expect Jesus to do great things. He will amaze us with His blessings.
6) Accept our new direction in life. Follow Jesus with all you have.
If being successful is more important to us
than having success than we need to follow Jesus. These steps that guide us
only serve as reminders that we do not have control over what happens in
life. We need to follow someone's direction, someone's example. Who we
follow determines if we will be successful.
Phil 4:13; I can do
everything through him who gives me strength.
Luke 1:37; For nothing is impossible with God.
When all is said and done by whose standard
will you be judged, the standard of the world or the Biblical standard? With
Jesus you cannot fail and nothing is too big to overcome. I encourage you to
let Jesus into your life, give him control; follow him with everything you
have. You cannot and will not fail.
I reflect on this past week and the places RWJM has been it is tremendously
encouraging to know that God has called so many dedicated people to minister
in His name. As the season gets into full swing we have fanned out across
America to serve those in the racing community.
Let me share some of the places we traveled this week. From the
West Coast Gary Dionne was at Willow Springs for their opener. Steve Fowler
was with the WoO Dirt Late Models in Tennessee at Smokey Mountain and Duck
River . Bob Menschner was at Wall and Mountain, Rev. Dan and I were at
Richmond . Rev. Dan and I then traveled to Stafford Motor Speedway where
Rev.’s Ray and Scott joined us. And there were also many others getting
things going on the local level.
As you can see our reach is expanding and God is calling many to
serve Him through us. As we extend ourselves we welcome your partnership to
assist in supporting our efforts. We welcome your prayers and will put your
financial support to good use. Let me thank you in advance for your help and
Thanks also to all of our folks who give of their time and talents
to serve the Lord. Your dedication and service to this ministry and the
racing community does not go unnoticed.
accepted the challenge of leading the effort to the WoO Dirt Late Models
this year and that has been received well by the teams and tracks they
visit. He sent along this note to share some of those blessings.
I had the privilege to serve at Smoky Mountain Speedway on Friday,
April 27th. I met with their Chaplain, Ray, who has gone through a lot of
physical difficulties over the last months. We were both encouraged by our
meeting; he serves the speedway and over the years has been able to lead 5
drivers to the Lord! He was in need of some encouragement to keep going to
the track, and I shared that it is apparent that God is using him and loves
the folks he is ministering to at the track. I, of course, prayed at the
drivers’ meeting, did the invocation, and was able to pray with another man
that worked at the track. I was also able to share with one of the younger
workers at the track. A couple that own 2 cars asked for prayer and logo
stickers. They are excited about putting them on their 2 new cars and
following Racing with Jesus Ministries ! The racing was exciting as Shane
Clanton won the 50-lap Main with 3 others following very close at the
checkered flag. It was great to see the racers I had been able to begin
relationships with in February. Saturday night in Tazewell was rained out,
but hopefully we will run at Duck River tomorrow night.
Thanks Steve, God puts us where we need to be at the right time.
DOUBLE HEADER WEEKEND - Our spring double header is in the
books and both Dan and I are grateful for a little break in the travel
schedule. April has been a challenging month of being on the road for Dan
and I am sure he will be glad to stay home and cut the lawn this week.
Richmond was a blessing, we continue to reach out to the new teams
that compete with the K&N series. Every year the names and faces are
different and it usually takes a few races to get the numbers, names and
colors figured out. Richmond was the forth race for the K&N and we are
referring to the entry list less and less. One of the tremendous benefits of
the series is the families we get to know. Every year there are new lives to
touch and new relationships to build.
Those relationships develop into close friendships and it is great
to have the opportunity to deepen those as the years go by. As we spend time
with these families their trust level deepens and we are able to help them
through the challenges of living on the road in the racing world. Rev. Dan
is doing a great job in building those relationships, thanks.
STAFFORD SHINES - The weather was perfect and the winner was
perfect. Bobby Santos won the poll, led all the laps and took home the
victory in the Greatest Race of Spring at Stafford . It may not sound too
exciting but it was. It is very difficult to stay out front for 200 laps
when some of the best drivers around are taking runs at you. Bobby held off
all the challenges, celebrated with the team in victory lane and tasted the
sweet success from the glass milk jug. With the added sponsorship from Curb
Records this team is poised to contend for the championship.
TAKING A LITTLE BREAK - We have a break in the action for a
week or so, but I am taking a little longer break, my bride and I are headed
to Ireland , the home of her ancestors. This has been a dream of hers for
many years and she has allowed it to be put aside for a few years. I thank
her for her understanding.
It will be an interesting trip; we are getting a car and traveling
the countryside. I hope I can get used to the steering wheel being on the
wrong side and driving on the wrong side of the road!
Please pray for us as we travel and also for the ministry as they
continue on in my absence. Rev.’s Dan, Ray and Scott will be holding down
the fort and I look forward to sharing with you all the neat things we see
and do.
Until next time, be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals
and apparel. See them at the Show Your Faith Apparel Store at
http://www.rwjm.com/store. Send us your prayer and counseling needs no matter
what part of our racing family you are in, or give us a call. Remember that
God loves you, we love you and
Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586,
Tolland, CT 06084.
Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper.
See our on-line Apparel
Store for subscription information.
Check our home page
www.rwjm.org for past
We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our Guest Book.
Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your prayerful
financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord
make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face
toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
PO Box 586
Tolland, CT, 06084
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