you have caught the wave by now? Our Winter Bible Study has been focused on
a four letter word, HOPE. So much is contained in that one thought. So much
of our future is guided by that one feeling. Where is our hope? Greetings in
the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Sometimes what we expect and what happens are two different things. The
week’s events can take us by surprise. Too many times we think we know what
tomorrow holds and feel secure. When the fact is, we do not know and cannot
control it.
Whenever I have to head out for an unscheduled trip I wonder, in the face
of difficult times, where do we turn? I turn to my Lord and Savior. The
words of Billy Graham come to mind, “I don’t know what the future holds, but
I know who holds the future.” I too know who holds the future; God.
When we find ourselves at a loss for understanding the events of today we
need to turn to God, He knows tomorrow, He has plans for us; He can deliver
us through the difficulties, grief and sense of loss.
I think of Peter, one of the Apostles, who had his hope in Christ. You
see Peter knew what it was to be hopeless; he denied knowing Christ. He
experienced both extremes, being a close companion of Jesus and being
totally separated from him.
Peter understood the difference that having Christ in your life can make.
He knew that without Christ life was not worth living. Without Christ the
blessing of God would not be on our life. Without Christ we have no hope.
Peter took the time to encourage us to tell people of the hope we have in
Christ. He knew that it was important for everyone to know that life is
different when your hope is in Christ. For those of us who have accepted
Christ as our Lord and Savior, Peter gave us some instructions on how we
should share that hope.
1Peter 3:8-10; Finally, all
of you, live in harmony with one another;
be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing,
because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
If we have a hope in Christ we will live like
it; we will be humble, show compassion and sympathy. We will value what God
values and be focused on the things of God. Let me ask you, how has your
life changed because you have hope in Christ?
Each of our lives has a story, we have a history. When we come to a
saving knowledge of Jesus Christ our life changes direction , we do an about
face and head down the road that leads to God.
We have three aspects of our lives that tell the story of hope. We have
the person we were; when we lived by our own rules, when we directed our own
path, when we determined what was best for us.
Along that journey we encountered Christ; someone, some place, somehow we
were introduced to Jesus. We came to understand hope, forgiveness and the
life he offers. Our heart was led to accept the gift of His grace and we
became a child of God.
Live begins anew, we are born-again. The life that God has for us begins
and now God directs our path and determines what is best for us. We grow to
understand that this is a life worth living; this is a life full of hope.
Our relationship with our Savior begins with hope; hope that comes with a
fresh start.
The world only has hope when we show them the love of Christ. We need to
share that hope with others. We can set them free in Christ. We can give
them hope for the forgiveness of their sins.
1Peter 3:15;
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the
reason for the hope that you have.
Think about those who had an impact on our
lives. Those that have inspired us, taught us, nurtured us and helped us
become the people we are today. Think about those who introduced you to the
King of Kings, Jesus Christ, Our Hope.
INTERCESSION NEEDED - We received word that Jim Boniface is facing a
very difficult road in the next few months. Jim is the driver of the #88
Valenti Modified. Jim is in Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital and his health is
very serious. Bobby and Vinetta spent time with Jim and Lori over the
weekend and this Friday will be a marker as they want to see how he responds
to a new medication. Please pray for Jim and Lori and the entire family.
It has been difficult for Lori to keep everyone up to date so RWJM
Chaplain Bobby Somers will be providing the updates to the VMRS Family. This
will help lessen the burden on Lori.
BATTLE OF TRENTON - Indoor racing made a visit to Trenton this
past weekend but due to previous commitments I was unable to be there.
Thanks to Bob Menschner for filling in and covering the event with prayer.
Bob reported that there were several incidents and a few minor injuries
but everyone should recover fine. He did share that Mike Tidaback was there
and his wrist is healing up, still a few weeks away from getting back behind
the wheel.
F1 MATCH RACE - I not sure who I was matched with, something about
weight, but I thought it might be better if experience was used. Last
Saturday night I participated in a Match Race sponsored by The Racer's Depot
at F1 in Boston as part of The Racer's Expo. I drove the Design 500/Lady
Eagle entry. I had a great time competing against some of the folks we
minister to. I didn’t win, but I certainly didn’t lose. It was a great time
to get together and run some laps. I will have to put some time in at the
track in prep for next year!
HEADED SOUTH - It is that time of year, Speedweeks! Time to get in
some wall to wall racing. Not only will there be wall to wall racing but we
will have wall to wall Chapel services. On Sunday we will conduct a service
at Volusia, Bubba Speedway Park and New Smyrna. We will follow that up with
one at Daytona on Tuesday. Please keep those services in your prayers. Also,
keep our travel in your prayers. Hope to see you South of the Border!
Until next time, be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals
and apparel. See them at the Show Your Faith Apparel Store at Send us your prayer and counseling needs no matter
what part of our racing family you are in, or give us a call. Remember that
God loves you, we love you andJesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.
Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586,
Tolland, CT 06084.
Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing
the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper.
See our on-line Apparel
Store for subscription information.
Check our home page for past
We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our Guest Book.
Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your prayerful
financial support.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord
make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face
toward you and give you peace."
May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don
PO Box 586
Tolland, CT, 06084
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